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About Us, VPR

Since 1999 Valley Park Radios dedicated volunteers  has been committed to providing entertainment to Darent Valley Hospital patients, patients family and friends, staff & visitors. Our output is also streamed to most internet enabled devices, including 'Alexa' smart speakers ONLINE at VALLEYPARKRADIO.ORG.UK, 24 hours a day. In fact Hospital radio as been part of Dartford since 1974, Wow now that's history!

We are also self-funding. Having events like our BIG Quiz Night, Raffles, 48 Hr LIVE Broadcast plus, we've had Stalls at Dartford and Stone festivals, plus some town centres. We also support Darent Valley Hospital charities in raising monies for the hospital.
We are always on the look out for would be volunteers aged 18+ to help out at the station from ward visiting to radio presenting and more. Just a few hours every week, sometimes more if we put on an event. Get in contact with your details at, NOW!

The Team
Your Presenters
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